
We all speak the same language


We all speak the same language

service Salvagnini there for you

Over 50 years of history tradition and experience; 4 manufacturing plants; more than 6.900 installed systems in 75 countries — all focused on providing ONE extraordinary level of service to each of our customers. To that end, we have dedicated our energies, skills and determination to making Salvagnini customer service a valued, integral part of the Salvagnini brand. Our daily commitment is to help transform any problem or opportunity into a customer success.

Global presence, local response.

Salvagnini service centers map

To be is not enough, to be there is what counts

In addition to offering tailor-made and timely solutions to maximize the productive potential of  Salvagnini systems, we maintain a global presence with extensive local coverage through our 35 service centers strategically located in key manufacturing regions around the world.
Our mission is to support your business, assisting you where you need it, when you need it.


Salvagnini software supplies

We develop tailor-made programs designed to continuously improve the performance of your systems. For each Salvagnini system there are custom interfaces, perfectly adaptable to specific production needs.
We install the new software directly, taking care to keep your machine’s potential upto-date, facilitating start-up, programming and operation.

Salvagnini mechanicals supplies

Salvagnini systems are built to evolve over the years in support of your changing production needs. We are continuously designing specific mechanical supplies for each of our product lines to meet your
growing needs, to optimize productivity and to maximize the flexibility of your Salvagnini system, with an eye toward reducing production times for complex or completely different parts, even when manufacturing in different modes.

Salvagnini hardware supplies

We can update the control units of your machines with newer models compatible with the latest operating software. It’s important to take advantage of these updates such as the one that safely shuts down the system without disrupting production in the event of a power failure.
This update is designed to protect all your data running in real time. We suggest regular, periodic renewals of the network to improve performance and keep control systems up to date. We also offer special "rescue" solutions that allow you to speedily restart production, managing the fault off-line.

Salvagnini maintenance contracts

Not just simple services but a full range of benefits. Our maintenance contracts are designed to improve the productivity of your machines while minimizing unplanned downtime and the need to constantly verify their proper operation and use by staff. These agreements also include priority support on calls, favorable conditions in the provision of spare parts and service, advice on machine operation and qualified assistance with the analysis of system availability and productivity.

Salvagnini moving

It is essential that Salvagnini systems are only moved according to precise protocols, entrusted to highly trained staff.
During these delicate operations, we offer advice on transportation, relocation and installation at your facility in accordance with the physical characteristics of the building.
Once installed, we check the reliability and proper operation of the system and provide immediate availability of spare parts in case of breakages or malfunctions during disassembly, reassembly and testing.

Salvagnini spare parts

We replace any damaged component, wherever you are, in the shortest time possible. To better identify the spare parts you need, we use a digital warehouse unique to each and every branch worldwide.
We guarantee local availability of the spare parts most frequently required at the Salvagnini branch closest to you, and offer special tailor-made spare part kits that you can keep on your premises and use as needed.

Salvagnini tools

We translate your needs into workable solutions.
With competence and professionalism, we work with you to define and select the solution that best suits your business needs, drawing on a full range of bending and punching tools designed for Salvagnini production systems. Each Salvagnini tool is produced and tested by qualified personnel to ensure quality, durability and effectiveness.

Salvagnini remote diagnostics

Using advanced trouble-shooting tools developed for each product line, we can guarantee timely analysis of operating problems, regardless of the Salvagnini system in operation.
By identifying the type and source of fault using remote diagnostics, we can avoid the time lag in sending a technician on-site, and can solve the problem quickly to minimize downtime.

Salvagnini programming, maintenance and user courses

We offer practical training programs for planning, maintenance and product use to enable you to exploit the full potential of your Salvagnini machine or system. We constantly refine and update our courses with the support of qualified instructors, trained to give you the most up-to-date instruction, both theoretical and practical. In addition to standard courses, we offer individual training courses structured according to the specific nature of your requirements.

Salvagnini overhauls

We want to help you wring every last dollar from your investment. Our overhaul service assures the reliability and value of your machine over a long period of time.
First we carry out a careful inspection at your site, then we evaluate the nature of the overhaul, and finally we act – replacing or rebuilding damaged parts rapidly and accurately, even on systems more than 20 years old.